Day-19 (On Thursday, January 24th 2019)

This day I taught at 7.30am in GAS B12. I asked them to present their group work, they presented it perfectly. After that I taught the same topic but different subtopics like I did in TVL and HUMSS with my Pick a Number and Call a Friend strategies. They were participated and I told them this is my last teaching with them, so after finished my class at 9.30, I said thanks to them for helping me and let me taught them for two meetings, they gave me a lot of knowledge, experiences and insight for my teaching skill. After that I went home and prepare for tomorrow’s teaching. On the next day, I will have my last teaching and also final demonstration. After finished my class I went to Principle’s room and invited Sir Mel to come to my final demonstration. He said he will come. I went home and prepare all of my things for tomorrow.
